Why sit here till I die?
photo credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Chameleons/comments/1ez532/a_cool_picture_of_my_chameleon_blending_in_to_the/
It was Charles Darwin who came up with the theory of natural selection. Natural selection is often referred to as “survival of the fittest”. It simply refers to the natural process that ensures the survival and growth of individuals or organisms that are better adjusted to their environment.
One thing I always found difficult was seeking help from people. I grew up in an environment where I had to get everything by working hard for it. Often times I had to struggle alone for a very long time before I could get my solution. I guess overtime, it became a norm for me. I grew stronger as an individual yet my team skills suffered.
Coming to Andela, I have had many challenges. However, the greatest challenge has been seeking help. For me, I had always felt that seeking help was a sign of incompetence. I could render help to people but not ask from them. When I found myself in Bootcamp, whenever I wanted to ask for help, there was this notion that the other person will think I am dumb. Collaboration for me meant giving help; it did not mean accepting help, and this affected my progress.
After hearing much of the gospel according to Andela EPIC values, I realized I was cheating myself. I realized I was just proud. For me to want to give help but not accept help, meant I had placed myself in a position above other people. I realized it meant that I could do everything on my own and that is false. Finally, I decided to reach out.
Reaching out for help came with a sense of freedom and progress. I could get work done faster, it enhanced my relationship with my fellow bootcampers and LFA. There will always be those people who will see me as been dumb for not knowing some simple things. I would rather be seen by them in that light than remain the same.
I have had many other challenges like this one. The way I have adapted is to understand, learn, and implement immediately. When I heard of the Andela EPIC values, I tried to incorporate them in everything I did. I tried to understand what they mean to Andela as an organization, what they mean to me as a person and what they mean in my relationship with other people.
Charles Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection in the context of Andela does not mean competition. It simply means that Andela has a standards and if I want to be an Andelan, I must be ready to unlearn everything that does not support the EPIC values. I must be willing to learn new things, to correct wrong mindsets and to change for the better.
I finally asked myself: why remain the same person? Why sit here till I die?